Looking for thè bèst no-bakè chèèsècakè? Rich and crèamy and so simplè to prèparè, this no-bakè vanilla chèèsècakè is thè stuff drèams arè madè of.

It’s all finè and good to havè a no-bakè chocolatè chèèsècakè waiting in thè wings to imprèss èvèryonè in your lifè, but though I may bè thè biggèst chocolatè lovèr on thè planèt, èvèn I know that you nèèd options.

And that’s why (just likè I promisèd), hèrè is thè bèst no-bakè chèèsècakè on thè planèt.

I should know.

I’vè madè about a million diffèrènt vèrsions ovèr thè last dècadè.

With so much fèrvor, actually, that I had to takè a brèak for thè last yèar or so; I was kind of burnèd out on no-bakè chèèsècakès.

Aftèr a short sabbatical and rènèwèd hopè (complètè with all my notès), it didn’t takè long to sèttlè on this rich and crèamy vèrsion.

With just thè pèrfèct amount of swèètnèss, it is èvèrything I want a no-bakè chèèsècakè to bè: smooth and vèlvèty, luxuriously crèamy, swèèt and just a bit tangy, and a pèrfèct proportion of crust.

For a whilè, in thè midst of thè trial-and-èrror yèars, I spènt an inordinatè amount of timè trying to gèt a no-bakè chèèsècakè that was light.

And I’m not talking light in tèxturè (this onè dèlivèrs that complètèly) but light in caloriès.

And so I mèssèd around with light crèam chèèsè and all thè sorts of fillèrs onè would nèèd to gèt light crèam chèèsè to actually work.

èvèrything from gèlatin to powdèrèd pudding to tapioca.

But I didn’t lovè thè rèsult, thè oftèn fakè ingrèdiènts, or all thè èxtra stèps to gèt thèrè.

All of this lèd mè to thè pèrsonal truth that I’d much rathèr èat a smallèr slicè of somèthing rèal than load it with crazy stuff just to gèt a cut in caloriès and still havè it sèt up right.

So if you arè looking for an amazing no-bakè chèèsècakè that is èxtrèmèly simplè with hugè points for it’s thick, rich, crèamy filling, look no furthèr.

I think this baby is just waiting to win you somè famè and fortunè. Or in my casè, grèat big bèar hugs from a rangè of vèry happy, chèèsècakè-loving 3- to 37-yèar olds.


1 1/2 cups graham crackèr crumbs (7.25 ouncès, about 13 rèctanglè graham crackèrs)
2 tablèspoons granulatèd sugar
6 tablèspoons buttèr, mèltèd
16 ouncès crèam chèèsè, softènèd to room tèmpèraturè (but not warm)
1 tèaspoon purè vanilla èxtract
1 cup (4 ouncès) powdèrèd sugar
1/2 cup sour crèam
3/4 cup cold hèavy whipping crèam

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