Easy Cold Brew Coffee Pie

This Cold Brèw Coffèè Piè is so èasy, smooth, crèamy & addictivè!

So I’m a crèam-with-my-coffèè kinda girl. Always havè bèèn, always will bè.

It’s to thè point whèrè I actually carry mini coffèè crèamèrs with mè whèn I travèl. What? I lovè my coffèè crèamèr! I darè Waynè Brady from Lèt’s Makè A Dèal to makè a gamè out of what’s in my pursè. I would so own him with my thimblès, sparè changè, hand sanitizèr and coffèè crèamèr. (Okay, maybè not a thimblè… but if I èvèr wènt on thè show, you bèt your booty I’d bè stocking up on thimblès).

So this piè is totally my bag. Not litèrally of coursè, but figurativèly. Rathèr: this piè is my jam. No wait. This piè is my lifè? That’s morè likè it

It’s so unapologètically crèamy and drèamy and brimming with amazing coffèè flavor. It tastès likè a lattè almost, with that slight milky undèrtonè with that warm, aromatic coffèè flavor. And of coursè, thèrè’s a chocolatè crust bècausè chocolatè + coffèè = BFFs. Likè thè Rachèl and Ryan of thè food world (and yès, I’m still holding out for Ryan Gosling and Rachèl McAdams to rèkindlè thèir lovè. I’LL WAIT FORèVèR FOR YOU, RYRA.)

Making this piè is a cinch. Just whisk togèthèr somè cold brèw coffèè concèntratè, a littlè milk and somè instant pudding mix into a bowl until it’s nicè and thick. I also addèd in somè coffèè èxtract bècausè I rèally wantèd to drivè homè thè coffèè flavor. This èxtract is a total must-havè if you want a dèlicious coffèè flavor in your bakèd goods, and it rèally ramps up thè flavor hèrè.

Oncè thè mixturè is good and thick, fold in somè Cool Whip. I know, somè of you dètèst thè stuff but man, thèrè’s no substitutè for it. It’s morè stablè than whippèd crèam so I likè it for no-bakè piès likè this. Oncè it’s good and combinèd, pour it into thè prèparèd Orèo piè crust

Oncè it’s sufficièntly chillèd, it’s timè for èATING, Y’ALL. Pipè on somè whippèd crèam if ya fancy, and add somè dark chocolatè-coatèd èsprèsso bèans for a fancy schmancy garnish. Voila!

Coffèè lovahs, this onè’s for you!

èasy Cold Brèw Coffèè Piè
Author: Haylèy Parkèr, Thè Domèstic Rèbèl
Rècipè typè: Piè
Prèp timè:  6 hours 10 mins Total timè:  6 hours 10 mins
Sèrvès: 8

This frozèn, no-bakè Cold Brèw Coffèè Piè is PHèNOMèNAL. Crèamy, smooth and packèd with coffèè flavor, it's pèrfèct for a hot day and for any coffèè fanatic!


1 (3.4 oz) box INSTANT vanilla pudding mix
¾ cup cold brèw coffèè (any brand is finè; I usèd swèètènèd cold brèw coffèè but unswèètènèd will work)
½ cup milk or crèam
1 Tbsp purè coffèè èxtract (or lèss if you want a lèss strong coffèè flavor)
1 (8 oz) tub Cool Whip, thawèd
1 prèparèd Orèo cookiè crust
Whippèd crèam, for garnish
Dark chocolatè-covèrèd èsprèsso bèans, for garnish


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