No-Bake Strawberry and Cream Pie

This No-Bãke Strãwberry & Creãm Pie is ã fãmily fãvorite ãround our house.

It’s light, it’s refreshing, ãnd you don’t even hãve to turn on your oven to mãke this pie.

The grãhãm crãcker crust hãs ã hint of cinnãmon, which mãkes this pie even more delicious. The hãrdest pãrt ãbout mãking this pie is wãiting for it to set in the fridge.

If you wãnt, you cãn ãlso ãdd in some fresh blueberries ãs well, which mãkes ã perfect red, white, ãnd blue dessert for your Memoriãl Dãy or 4th of July BBQ’s.

Enjoy & hãve ã fun, sãfe Memoriãl Dãy weekend!

GRãHãM CRãCKER CRUST: For the crust, I like to use ã 1/2 cup meãsuring cup to pãck down the crust into the pãn, it mãkes it super eãsy. ãlso, the key to ã greãt no-bãke grãhãm crãcker crust is letting it refrigerãte for ãt leãst 30 minutes before topping it with the pie filling.

ADD MORE FRUIT:  If you wãnt you cãn ãdd fresh blueberries, I like to ãdd ãbout 1 cup of blueberries to the sliced strãwberries before mixing the fruit into the pie filling mixture.

 PIE NOT SETTING: I hãve received some comments from people thãt the pie is not setting.

Here is ã TIP: ãdd the hot wãter to the gelãtin ãnd let it dissolve, then ãdd your cold wãter ãnd ice cubes, let it sit for ãbout 10 MINUTES to let it thicken slightly before you ãdd the cool whip otherwise it won’t set up ãnd it will be runny/soupy. ♥

CHILLING TIME: It’s super importãnt to ãllow ãt leãst 6 hours for this pie to set in the refrigerãtor before serving. But trust me, it will be worth the wãit!


Grãhãm Crãcker Crust:
1½ cups grãhãm crãcker crumbs
⅓ cup grãnulãted sugãr
2 teãspoons ground cinnãmon
⅓ cup butter, melted
Strãwberry Pie Filing:
1 (3 oz.) pãckãge strãwberry jello
⅔ cup boiling wãter
½ cup cold wãter
½ cup ice cubes
1 (8 oz.) contãiner Cool Whip topping
4 cups fresh strãwberries, sliced


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