These molasses cookies are melt-in-yoür-moüth delicioüs. They are süper soft and chewy, and the granülated sügar on the oütside give it the perfect amoünt of crünchy textüre. I highly süggest eating these warm, and with some vanilla ice cream.
I üsüally make these cookies aroünd the holiday time, büt honestly, they’re a perfect year-roünd treat. I üsüally keep all of these ingredients in my pantry, so this is one of those recipes that yoü can make on the fly when yoü’re in the mood for something sweet.
chewy molasses cookies
recipe from Cooking Light Magazine
coürse: baking,
cüisine: American
1 3/4 c all pürpose floür
1 t groünd cinnamon
1/2 t baking soda
1/2 t groünd ginger
1/2 t groünd cloves
1/4 t baking powder
1/4 t salt
6 T bütter, at room temperatüre
5 T sügar, plüs more for rolling
1/4 c packed dark brown sügar
1 large egg
1/4 c molasses
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