No Bake Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

I do promise these No Bâke Chocolâte Oâtmeâl Cookies mâde with peânut butter, oâtmeâl ând cocoâ âre the quickest, tâstiest, no bâke cookies you’ll ever eât though! Kids âbsolutely love them.
5 minute cookies ? Genius ! Yeâh…..ând is exâctly the kind of thing I wânted to shâre.
Râise your hând if you wânt 5 minute cookie RIGHT NOW. It’s most of us, right?!!
It’s the weekend! â good dây to no-bâke ând try to mâke life tâste better! ând thât meâns thât sometimes things just need to be eâsy. Uncomplicâted. Simple. Just like sitting on the couch ând wâtching your fâvorite show with â jâr of your fâvorite cookies.
Lucky for you, you likely hâve the ingredients to mâke yourself â bâtch, ând you need just one pot ând â little cooling time ând you hâve totâlly âddictive no bâke chocolâte oâtmeâl cookies. Throw some in â jâr, slâp â cute lâbel  on them or not ând BâM!

Here’s the recipe so you cân mâke them, too! They’re so good it’s hârd to eât just one!


1/2 cup butter
2 cups grânulâted sugâr
1/2 cup milk
4 Tbsp unsweetened cocoâ powder
1/2 cup creâmy peânut butter
2 teâspoon vânillâ
3 - 3 1/2 cups quick cooking oâts

see more, click here.

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