how to make breakfast pizza stuffed crust


  1. Bread/Pizza/Handmade dough
  2. 1 bag Shredded cheese of your choice [mozzarella cheese]
  3. 4-6 eggs [depending on size your making]
  4. 1 splash milk
  5. Desired amount of Cooked Bacon
  6. Desired amount of Cooked Sauage
  7. 5 string cheese sticks
  8. Cooking spray
  9. Garlic powder
  10. Melted butter w/ brush for spreading



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  • Cook Bacon and Sauage. Set aside to cool, once cooled, crumble into small bits and pieces. Set aside until needed for your toppings.
  • Pre-heat the oven at 400-425 depending on how well done (crispy) you want the crust to be.
  • Remove wrapping or Open the string cheese sticks from there individual packaging and cut them in half. Set aside.
  • Spread some flour out on counter or put flour directly on the dough and working into the size of your Pizza pan. **If your doing stuffed crust pizza stretch the dough an additional 2-3" beyond edge of pan, enough to roll a 1/2 a cheese stick into the crust---creating the stuff crust** do this all the way around your pizza or half way if others don't want stuff crust.
  • Crack the eggs into a bowl, add the splash of milk, and mix together with a whisk until one solid looking color.
  • Spray your pizza/round flat baking pan with cooking spray. Just enough so pizza don't stick to your pan. !!!warning... There have been times where I have sprayed my pan a little to early, tried working my dough on said pan and got very frustrated, b/c the dough is constantly shrinking down! That's why I recommend doing a size check every now and then before committing the dough to pan once it's been sprayed!
  • Pour your beaten eggs on your dough, making sure it covers all of the dough, ***think of this as the, pizza "sauce" layer*** touching the crust completely around. TIP: if you notice the egg is very thin and not completely touching the crust 100% around,--beat 1 egg with a splash of milk and pour onto crust, continue to do so, 1 egg w/ a splash of milk at a time until the eggs/ "sauce
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